Flights to South Africa

Cape Town is located at the southern tip of the African continent, yet is easily accessible via direct overnight flights from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Australia.

Click here to download a document outlining flight routes to and from Cape Town.

Flight Map

South African Airways (SAA) is part of the Star Alliance, and South Africa is served by major airlines such as United, Delta, British Airways, KLM, Lufthansa, Emirates, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, and more.

Estimated flying time between various destinations within Southern Africa

Departure Arrival Duration
Johannesburg Cape Town 1h50min
Durban Cape Town 1h55min
Johannesburg Livingstone 1h30min
Johannesburg Sun City 40min

Estimated flying time from various destinations to South Africa

Departure Arrival Duration
USA (Atlanta) Johannesburg 15h10min
USA (New York) Johannesburg 15h05min
USA (Washington DC) Johannesburg 16h40min
Germany (Munich) Johannesburg 10h50min
Germany (Frankfurt) Johannesburg 10h45min
Switzerland (Zurich) Johannesburg 10h35min
Netherlands (Amsterdam) Johannesburg 11h35min
France (Paris) Johannesburg 10h35min
Turkey (Istanbul) Johannesburg 12h00min
UK (London) Johannesburg 11h25min
UK (London) Cape Town 12h10min
Hong Kong Johannesburg 12h50min
Kuala Lumpur Cape Town 12h30min
Singapore Cape Town 12h50min
Australia (Perth) Johannesburg 12h50min
Australia (Sydney) Johannesburg 13h55min
Brazil (Sao Paulo) Johannesburg 13h55min
Argentina (Buenos Aires) Johannesburg 09h25min
Argentina (Buenos Aires) Cape Town 07h45min
Israel (Tel Aviv) Johannesburg 09h10min
UAE (Dubai) Johannesburg 09h40min
UAE (Abu Dhabi) Cape Town 10h25min
Qatar (Doha) Johannesburg 10h55min
Egypt (Cairo) Johannesburg 08h15min
Kenya (Nairobi) Johannesburg 04h15min
Namibia (Windhoek) Cape Town 02h10min


Congress Opening Session
9 July 2012

Welcome Reception
9 July 2012

Book Launch
10 July 2012

Cultural Evening
11 July 2012


International Economic History Association Economic History Society of South Africa Global Micro Lending Local Alternative Investing Credit Institute Writers Guild of American Economics Microfinance Focus


